Governmental Law


Through its Governmental Law Practice Group, Plunkett Cooney has represented over 600 municipalities in Michigan in litigation in all levels of state and federal court.

Attorneys in this practice group have handled virtually every issue that can be brought against municipalities and municipal officials at the trial court level.  Plunkett Cooney attorneys have also been successful in obtaining the dismissal of hundreds of cases without the necessity of a trial. The firm is considered to be among the most experienced in the State of Michigan in defending municipalities.

Whether the claim is sewer overflows, police misconduct, excessive force, an alleged First Amendment violation, discrimination in employment or the providing of public services, a motor vehicle accident or a fall on a public sidewalk, Plunkett Cooney attorneys have the expertise to successfully defend municipalities in every venue in the state.

The Governmental Law Practice Group has been successful in expanding the scope of its practice because of its recognized leadership in the area of municipal tort liability defense and the firm's aggressive assertion of governmental immunity provisions that exist in Michigan. Our attorneys emphasize the importance of loss prevention through a wide range of seminars, workshops, and other educational opportunities.

Our attorneys belong to and have attained leadership positions in such organizations as the Public Corporation Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan, Association of Defense Trial Counsel, Michigan Defense Trial Counsel, and Defense Research Institute, Inc., among others.

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