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Plunkett Cooney’s website was prepared by the firm for informational purposes only. Photos within the “Team” section of the site are of actual Plunkett Cooney professionals. Photos in other areas of the site may include stock images.

The materials contained herein are not intended to, and do not constitute legal advice. Internet subscribers and online readers should not act upon this information without seeking professional counsel.

Neither transmission nor receipt of these materials creates an attorney-client relationship between the sender and the receiver. The use of the internet for communications with the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship and messages containing confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent.

Submitting information to our attorneys via email does not create an attorney-client relationship, and Plunkett Cooney may use the information provided to check for conflicts of interest to determine if the firm can assist you with your legal inquiry.

Privacy Policy

Federal law, as well as the regulations of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), require law firms, like other professionals who provide personal financial services, to inform their clients about the firm’s privacy policy concerning client information.

Specifically, this notice complies with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Pub. Law 106-102 November 12, 1999 and the correlative Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulation, 16 CFR Part 313 (May 24, 2000). To review Plunkett Cooney’s Privacy Policy, click here.

Attorneys have always been and continue to be bound by a code of professional standards governing client confidentiality that is even more stringent than those required by this law. As your attorneys, we have always protected your right to privacy and will continue to do so in the future.

While providing individual clients with legal advice, we often receive a significant amount of personal information, including financial information. As a client or future client of Plunkett Cooney, you should rest assured that the information we receive from you is held in strictest confidence, and it is not released to anyone outside the firm, except as agreed to by you, or as required by law.

We retain records relating to the professional services we provide so that we can better assist you with your legal needs, and in some cases, to comply with professional guidelines. To protect your nonpublic, personal information, we maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with professional standards.

Should you have any questions or concerns about the firm’s privacy policy, the treatment of your personal information or the firm’s professional code of ethics, please feel free to contact your Plunkett Cooney attorney.

Analytics and Remarketing (Cookies)

Plunkett Cooney utilizes cookies provided by Google Analytics to monitor and analyze its website data. You may opt out of Google Analytics tracking by clicking here to notify us. Generally, Internet users can also manage cookies in their own browser settings, so please take advantage of this capability.

Information gathered from the firm’s website is shared with Google. Unless proactively provided by a site visitor, the firm does not collect personal information. Examples of site visitors providing personal information include those who complete our newsletter/event subscription form and those who obtain downloadable content which requires completion of a data form.

Linking Policy

Plunkett Cooney invites outside parties to link to its website in accordance with the following linking policy, which is intended to provide interested parties with necessary guidance.

By linking to, you agree to be bound to the terms and conditions of this linking policy.

Plunkett Cooney updates its website periodically, including structural changes to the site as needed. Therefore, those wishing to link to the firm's website should point their links to to avoid any link integrity issues.

Use of the firm's logo to point to the site is strictly managed, and expressed, written permission to utilize the Plunkett Cooney logo and any other trademarked or copyrighted images must be obtained in advance of their use. Links to this website should always include appropriate text that is not misleading. Use of inline linking techniques is prohibited.

Framing of this site's content or use of any similar technology in relation to the content published herein is prohibited.

Links to websites owned and operated by third parties are included on Plunkett Cooney's website and should not be construed as endorsements or validations of the content provided therein. Plunkett Cooney does not control third-party content and accepts no responsibility for it or any losses or damages arising from the content's use.

In the event Plunkett Cooney seeks the removal of a link to our website within your control, you will promptly delete the link. Anyone wishing to have Plunkett Cooney remove a link to their site posted by ours may do so by emailing Webmaster. Proof of legal authority to request the link removal may be required at the firm's discretion.

Plunkett Cooney reserves the right to amend this linking policy as necessary and without prior notice.

Related Policies & Information

Privacy Policy

Terms and Conditions of Use

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