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Nonprofit Law


Plunkett Cooney's Nonprofit Law Group is comprised of attorneys with extensive knowledge and experience in all aspects of business law as well as the special laws and regulations governing nonprofits and charities.

In addition, our attorneys routinely work with nonprofits to provide other necessary legal services, including labor and employment law, healthcare law, motor vehicle liability, real estate, tax law and many others.

Plunkett Cooney’s clients range in size, from multi-million dollar organizations to small charities. The firm provides business counseling, transactional and litigation defense services, including pro bono representation when appropriate.

The firm’s nonprofit clients include foundations; area agencies on aging; medical and behavioral health facilities; religious groups; municipal organizations; private and public associations; community groups; schools; conservation and real estate development organizations; and skill centers, among others.

Like for-profit entities, the firm’s nonprofit clients require assistance with business, employment and commercial issues, as well as special tax, funding, corporate and specific issues related to their charitable activities. Below is a partial list of the many preventive and curative legal services provided by Plunkett Cooney’s attorneys on behalf of nonprofits:  

•  Business Transactions
    -  Corporate organization and governance
    -  Mergers, Acquisitions and Dissolutions
    -  Joint Ventures 
    -  Financing

•  Contracting and Disputes
    -  Drafting and Review 
    -  Negotiation with funding sources and vendors
    -  Termination and Post-Termination Issues
    -  Litigation of funding disputes

•  Medicare and Medicaid 
    -  Reimbursement 
    -  Participation 
    -  Negotiation and pursuit of claims 

•  Healthcare
    -  Fraud and Abuse 
    -  HIPAA 
    -  Antitrust 
    -  Payor Requirements

•  Healthcare Credentialing, Peer Review and Medical Staff 
    -  Policies and Bylaws 
    -  Disciplinary Proceedings 
    -  Data Bank 

•  Investigations and Enforcement Actions
    -  Criminal Defense (State and Federal) 
    -  Civil Suits (including False Claims and Qui Tam) 
    -  Administrative Sanctions and Civil Money Penalties 
    -  Payor Audits 
    -  Regulatory Agencies and Administrative Proceedings

•  Alternative Dispute Resolution (Mediation and Arbitration) 
    -  Serve as Advocates
    -  Serve as Mediators and Arbitrators

•  Licensure, Accreditation, Participation and Exclusion

•  Health Information Technology (including EHR/EMR, Licensing)

•  Commercial Litigation (Plaintiff and Defendant)

•  Labor and Employment
    -  Counseling/Advisor (legal issues/employment actions)
    -  Collective Bargaining 
    -  Dispute Resolution 
    -  Litigation 
    -  Policy Development 
    -  Wage & Hour 
    -  EEOC/MDCR
    -  ERISA

•  Real Estate
    -  Development 
    -  Sales 
    -  Acquisitions 
    -  Financing 
    -  Leasing 
    -  Construction 
    -  Condominium Associations

•  Professional Liability

•  Tax

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