Government Relations, Public Policy & Regulatory Compliance


In today’s political world, it is critically important for businesses, trade associations, industry groups and community advocates to stay ahead of the game. With term limits, Lansing is constantly evolving. Things move quickly, and it’s imperative to stay on top of these changes.Start a new project together

The members of Plunkett Cooney’s Government Relations, Public Policy & Regulatory Practice Group work with their clients as they strategize, communicate, streamline and attack political issues efficiently and effectively to influence public policy, legislation and regulatory issues. As one media outlet described it, government relations and lobbying services are like insurance for your business.

Group members include attorneys with significant experience in government matters. This includes the former Speaker of the Michigan House of Representatives, past elected and appointed officials and former members of the Michigan Attorney General’s Office. This experience makes Plunkett Cooney well qualified to tackle legislative and regulatory issues.

Leading the Government Relations, Public Policy & Regulatory Practice Group is Tom Leonard, a former Speaker of the Michigan House of Representatives. As the former Speaker, Tom understands the legislative personalities. He has been in the caucus room and has worked alongside the state’s top elected and appointed officials. He has built their trust, allowing  Tom to do what few can - mesh the policy and politics together. This gives Plunkett Cooney’s team a strong advantage when tackling legislative and regulatory issues.     

With offices throughout Michigan, Plunkett Cooney’s government relations attorneys are positioned to provide professional assistance on complex matters before regulatory agencies and on a broad range of local governmental matters. The expertise of group members includes the following:

  • Providing strategic advice to clients as they navigate complex political and policy issues with state and local governments
  • Ensuring that clients make appropriate connections and form the right relationships with key legislators and other government officials to effectively tackle legislation and stay ahead of the political game
  • Researching and monitoring legislation to keep clients on top of any proposed changes of law that may impact them or their industry
  • Building coalitions and relationships with elected officials, companies, associations and community leaders to ensure collaboration on client policy initiatives
  • Facilitating messaging for clients with legislators, stakeholders and the media to assist with public opinion legislative issues
  • Advocating for the approval of zoning and planning requests before local governments and the negotiation of development agreements
  • Representing clients during legislative hearings on legislation and with local, county and state regulatory agencies
  • Working with clients to acquire state and local governmental incentives for development
  • Preparation of legislation and assistance with its introduction
  • Assisting clients with implementation of new state laws and regulations such as those related to Michigan’s medical cannabis law

Whatever the challenge may be for your business, association, industry or municipality at any level of government, the members of Plunkett Cooney’s Government Relations, Public Policy & Regulatory Practice Group are prepared to assist. They have helped develop creative solutions to meet the challenges of dealing with local, county and state government.

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