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iFit Initiative


While winning awards for being among the best places to work is nice, it’s not what our firm members set out to do each day. Our attorneys and staff are among the most dedicated and hardest working in the legal industry, and they understand the importance of career development and work-life balance. That's why we created our iFit initiative.

iFit Professional Development InitiativeThe term iFit packs a lot of meaning. The logo, for example, depicts the individual as being squarely at the center of things. It also prompts firm members to consider such rhetorical questions as: How can I discover or learn something new? How can I become more engaged or encourage others to engage? How can I better connect with my colleagues? How can I improve my personal life?

Being healthy isn’t just about physical health. iFit seeks to address the many dimensions of “health” by focusing on the mind, body and soul. All of Plunkett Cooney's personal and professional development efforts stem from iFit, which provides firm members with the knowledge, training and tools they need to be successful in all facets of career and life.