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Review Past Event: So, You’ve Been Sued… Now What?

Strategies for a successful defense
10.24.2019 | Noon to 1 p.m.

Click here for Recording.

So You've Been Sued webinar

So, You've Been Sued...Now What?

Strategies for a Successful Defense

Originally Held: October 24, 2019
Time: Noon to 1 p.m.
Cost: Complimentary

Program Description:

The reality is that most people have never been sued. Throw out the romanticized notions of jury trials and litigation you’ve seen in the movies and on television.

In many cases, civil litigation can be a lot worse! The time and stress involved in responding to discovery requests, pre-trial preparation and the potential for an appeal, often make litigation feel more like A Nightmare on Elm Street than a folksy episode of Matlock.

When you’re sued, what do you need to do? There are some time-tested strategies for positioning your case for a positive outcome. This free webinar focused on some of them, including:

  • Assessing settlement options
  • Proper notice and tendering of the claim
  • Communications and the media
  • Protecting privileged conversations
  • Preserving evidence
  • Deposition preparation
  • Responding to interrogatories

Intended Audience:

This webinar was designed to benefit elected and appointed municipal officials, risk managers and public sector insurance providers.


Audrey Forbush

Ridley Nimmo

Webinar Recording:

So You've Been Sued webinar
