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Review Past Event: Its About Time - Wage & Hour Webinar


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Archived Webinar

It's About Time - What are
'Hours Worked' Under the FLSA?

Originally Held: Thursday, May 15, 2014
Time: Noon to 1:15 p.m. (EDT)
Cost: Complimentary

Topic Overview:

The Fair Labor Standards Act has been in effect since 1938, but employers still struggle to comply with its requirements. Among the most difficult aspects is determining “hours worked.” What is considered compensable work time? This webinar will provide practical information to ensure that businesses comply with the law. 

During this webinar, “It’s all About Time – What are ‘Hours Worked’ Under the FLSA?,” Plunkett Cooney employment attorneys discussed which hours on the job are considered hours worked and must be compensated and which hours are not considered compensable working hours. Participants learned about the rules for:

  • Meal and rest periods
  • On-call time
  • Sleep time
  • Time spent changing clothes
  • Time spent walking from the time clock to the work station
  • Time spent washing up
  • Time spent wearing a pager
  • Training time
  • Travel time

Who Should Review This Archived Webinar?:

This is a must review webinar for HR professionals, business owners,
business executives and claims professionals with EPLI coverage providers.

Continuing Education Credit Information:

This program was approved for 1.25 (general) recertification credit hours toward PHR, SPHR and GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute. This approval is valid through May 15, 2014 and is not transferable.

For more information about certification or recertification, please visit the HR Certification Institute website at

The use of this seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the program. It means that this program has met the HR Certification Institute's criteria to be pre-approved for recertification credit.

