Michigan motorists could face $400 fine under new slow down, move over law designed to protect state’s emergency personnel.
Appellate Court upholds grant of summary disposition in a PIP no-fault case involving an injury at a gasoline pump.
Michigan motorists face higher gas tax and fees for annual license plate renewals.
If you’re not listed on the bill of lading, you may not have standing to be listed on the complaint under Carmack Amendment.
A simple deposition question about a plaintiff’s bankruptcy history could result in a dismissal for the defense.
Transportation Secretary lobbies for the Grow America Act, which seeks to jump start long delayed improvements and repairs to the US infrastructure.
Supreme Court ruling clears path for plaintiffs to claim additional bodily injury damages in municipal vehicle liability cases.
Appellate court upholds grant of summary disposition in fraudulent PIP and uninsured motorist case.
Michigan appellate court considers whether "sudden emergency" doctrine applies to case where the driver's excessive speed contributed to the emergency situation.
Insurers should consider how the implications of the one-year back rule in Michigan PIP cases could limit their ability to seek reimbursement from other carriers
- Motor Vehicle Liability
- No Fault Liability
- Transportation
- Personal Injury Protection (PIP)
- Trucking Liability
- Auto Liability
- Appellate Law
- Insurance
- Fraud Activity
- insurance policy
- Civil Litigation
- Sanctions
- Premises Liability
- Coronavirus
- COVID-19
- Cargo Liability
- Judicial Estoppel
- Retail Liability
- Driver Exclusion
- Bankruptcy
- Risk Management
- Public Policy
- Governmental Immunity
- Environmental Legislation
- Environmental Regulation
- Medicare Issues
Recent Updates
- Fee Schedule Applies to Third-Party Claims for Excess Allowable Expenses
- Appellate Court Rules Insured Entitled to Unlimited Attendant Care Benefits
- Case Update: Appellate Court Updates Recent Decision to Published Status, Expanding Definition of ‘Unlawful’ Under Michigan PIP Law
- Having a ‘Cowboy Attitude' About No-Fault Insurance Limits Could Cost You
- How well do you Know Your Policyholders? Recent Appellate Case Encourages Full Discovery of Potential Rescission During Litigation
- Published Opinion Warns Insurers that Medical Claims can Survive MCL 500.3145 Indefinitely Without an Appropriate Denial
- Michigan Court of Appeals Outlines Several Important Defenses in Family Member Provided Attendant Care Cases
- Michigan Appellate Courts Help Define ‘Sudden Emergency’ in Motor Vehicle Liability Cases
- Post-Judgement Collection Techniques for Insurers
- Are Case Evaluation Sanctions Gone Baby, Gone?