Changes in Michigan law Require Employee Handbook Updates – NOW!

Recreational marijuana is now legal in Michigan. Employers with 50 or more employees in Michigan are required to provide paid sick time for most, but not all, employees. And, the minimum wage rate has again increased. 

Quite frankly, heads should spin with all the recent changes in Michigan law!

If you are not fully apprised of these changes, there are two things you should do right away. First, check out Plunkett Cooney's archived webinar about Michigan's Paid Sick Leave Act, which was originally presented by employment attorney Courtney Nichols on Jan. 29, 2019. You can view the webinar recording and obtain a copy of the presentation slides by clicking here.

Second, don’t put off updating your employee handbook any longer. This task is often placed on the back-burner of the proverbial workplace stove as attention is given to the flames shooting out of another pan on the front burner. We understand that your time is a limited and important resource, but the time to update your manual is now.

Most of the legal updates can be done by your attorney with little demand on your time. But it is critical for your company to have all of the defenses available under Michigan law and have policies that accurately reflect today’s legal requirements.

If you don’t have legal counsel, feel free to contact Plunkett Cooney to get started now, before you unknowingly violate the rights of your employees. Click here for a list of the firm’s employment law attorneys located in a neighborhood near you.

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