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Posts in Coronavirus.

Michigan issues new COVID-19 rules for health care employers and ends restrictions for all other employers, effective today.

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Michigan to allow return to in-person work starting May 24 as state reaches COVID-19 vaccination threshold.

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Michigan incentivizes residents to get the COVID-19 vaccine with double-benefit of defeating virus and fully reopening state’s economy sooner.

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Michigan extends work from home order for six month amid increases of COVID-19 cases, rise in variants.

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Despite a recent ruling by the Michigan Supreme Court striking down the state’s Emergency Powers of the Governor Act, employers must still follow COVID-19 health and safety requirements.

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Employers should proceed with caution when dealing with employee leaves and other issues under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), especially those operating in the health care industry.

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A federal court rules U.S. Department of Labor overreached with some aspects of its Final Rule on employee leave laws related to COVID-19.

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New Michigan executive orders outline return to work rules with enforceable workplace standards during pandemic.

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Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer extends Stay Home, Stay Safe executive order but loosens some restrictions.

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Amid the confusing tangle of federal and state COVID-19 laws and executive orders, Michigan employers can consult this guide to remain in compliance.

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SPECIAL ALERT: Employers must review this additional U.S. Department of Labor guidance regarding implementation of the new Families First Coronavirus Response Act.

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This post offers a checklist for first responder planning health emergency situations like the coronavirus pandemic.

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