Posts in Civil Litigation.

Lack of notice defense on the rise in Michigan following the loss of the open and obvious defense for premises liability claims.

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Open and obvious may be gone in Michigan, but property owners can still protect themselves in premises liability cases.

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What Barbie can teach litigants and attorneys about avoiding sanctions and conducting oneself with civility in civil litigation.

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Quickly determining “satisfactory proof of loss” for property claims can help insurance providers mitigate or even avoid paying penalty interest under Michigan’s Uniform Trade Practices Act.

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Lithium batteries stored or charged onboard boats, ships and cargo containers may leave you walking the plank of maritime liability.

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Responding timely to “satisfactory proof of loss” notices can help insurers limit or even avoid paying penalty interest under Michigan’s Uniform Trade Practices Act.

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Failure to pay first-party property claims could cost you penalty interest under Michigan's Uniform Trade Practice Act.

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Can the use of artificial intelligence platforms like ChatGPT pierce the attorney-client privilege?

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Paying penalty interest in first party property claims is tough to avoid in Michigan, but by doing this claims professionals can minimize the amount.

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Arc mapping provides investigators and insurance claims professionals with vital fire cause and origin information.

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In a published decision, the Michigan Court of Appeals ruled that a dog is a “condition on the land” under premises liability, and as such, can be defended by the open and obvious danger doctrine.

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Understanding the types of explosions can help investigators and insurance professionals resolve fire damage claims.

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The popularity of internet connected devices in homes and businesses provides fire investigators with more origin and cause clues than ever, if you know where to look for them.

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In a potential game changer for litigation in Michigan, this recent unpublished appellate court ruling allows the video recording of a plaintiff's neuropsychological examinations.

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You should know these four things before you seriously consider bringing a defamation case in Michigan for online comments against an anonymous party.

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As water claims rise, insurance industry braces for a potential deluge of new form arson cases.

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You should be burning up if your fire claim notices don't include this level of detail.

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Comprehensive pre-suit investigations help position cases for a successful defense in state or federal court.

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A recent Michigan Court of Appeals ruling bans video recording but allows in-person observers for independent medical examinations.

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With U.S. tort litigation continuing to climb to historic levels, arbitration may offer insurance providers lower costs, better venue option for resolving claims.

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