Recent federal appellate court ruling clarifies who decides whether a dispute can be arbitrated.
Illinois Supreme Court tells litigation “tourists” looking to file their case in the “Land of Lincoln” for a potential better outcome to stay home!
Supreme Court rules the standing of pension plan participants can be challenged even if there is evidence of wrongdoing in plan management, when the plan is fully funded.
Applying lessons learned from the 2008 economic crash, mortgagees may want to consider challenging property tax assessments during pandemic crisis to protect the value of their collateral.
Under Michigan law, landlords may be able to recover future damages after a tenant vacates leased premises, even if the lease does not include an acceleration clause.
A recent appellate court ruling makes it prudent to take a deeper dive into the issue of minority shareholder oppression claims.
Three well-established legal doctrines may impact the enforceability of your contracts during an event like the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Companies that collect biometric data could run afoul of the nation’s most comprehensive biometric privacy law and become the target of multi-million dollar class action lawsuits.
New Michigan court rules have immediate impact on litigation procedure and costs in all cases filed in circuit courts.
A recent federal appellate court ruling illustrates the traps lenders could trip when state court collection actions against joint borrowers intersect with federal bankruptcy law.
- Commercial Liability
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- Personal Tax Controversy
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- Business Tax Controversy
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Recent Updates
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- Understanding Joint Filing and Innocent Spouse Relief - A Guide for Married Taxpayers
- Obtaining Injured Spouse Relief from Federal Income Tax Liability
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- Offer in Compromise Programs Provide Taxpayers with Options to Settle Federal, State Tax Debt