Michigan’s new Gov. Gretchen Whitmer seeks to streamline cannabis business licensing process with creation of new Marijuana Regulatory Agency.
Paying your cannabis business taxes in cash can become a simpler process with proper planning and coordination with your accountant.
Michigan legislation legalizes use of CBD oil, although it remains a government regulated substance.
Michigan medical cannabis businesses with pending state business license applications can temporarily reopen under new ruling by regulatory agency.
Unlicensed Michigan cannabis businesses are advised to seek legal counsel to understand potential impact of recent court ruling, new legislation and regulatory enforcement actions that could impact future license approvals.
A closer look at the tax impact on recreational cannabis sales if Michigan's Prop 1 is approved on Nov. 6.
Unlicensed Michigan cannabis businesses avoid Oct. 31 closure deadline under new court ruling.
Understanding insurance policy fine print is a must for cannabis businesses seeking product liability coverage for bodily injury claims caused by “adulterated marihuana.”
Canada’s recent move to legalize recreational cannabis could further thaw U.S. attitudes on the issue.
Michigan court stays regulatory department's rule regarding unlicensed medical cannabis facilities.
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Recent Updates
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