Cannabis Regulatory Board Opens Door to Multi-License Facilities

Michigan’s Bureau of Medical Marihuana Regulation (BMMR) earlier today provided a sneak peek at what the future of medicinal cannabis in Michigan might look like.

BMMR issued an “Advisory Bulletin” in which it indicated that it may allow a permit holder to operate a grow facility, processing center and a dispensary out of the same location. This policy is consistent with what other states have done with medical cannabis operations.

BMMR identified conditions to unified operations in one location:

• Each distinct operation must work in different areas of the facility and have its own license (and will likely need to apply and meet regulatory requirements separately);

• The operations must have separate points of ingress and egress, sale operations and record-keeping systems;

• The local community must allow unified operations under its ordinances;

• Each operating entity must comply with state and local health and safety standards, building codes and fire safety regulations;

• Each operation must post its license in its specific work area; and

• The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) has actually issued regulations that allow for co-location of facilities.

BMMR’s bulletin comes with a warning that this decision is subject to change when it promulgates its emergency rules.

Co-location is a relevant issue in other states like Oregon and California that have both a medical and recreational program. If Michigan eventually decriminalizes recreational cannabis, co-location may take on a different meaning.

As we have noted, the Dec. 15 deadline on which rules must be in place is fast approaching. Those interested in participating in Michigan’s medical cannabis program have eagerly awaited any news on what they can expect from the state.

BMMR’s bulletin sheds a little light on what they can expect. Hopefully, more information is on its way.

Tags: Cannabis
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